“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” – Ian Fleming

In the past 8-days we’ve seen a failed attempt to murder DJT, and the “classified documents” case against him dismissed. Biden developed “COVID” and went into hiding, canceling all events until further notice. Then, within hours of Trump’s nomination speech at the RNC, a CrowdSource Windows Operating System update knocked out servers world-wide, affecting airlines, shipping, payment systems, and even local 911 call centers. And, finally, the day before USSS Director Cheatle (who is rumored to be resigning tomorrow) is scheduled to testify about security failures during the assassination attempt on Trump, Biden announces he won’t be running for re-election.

Much like the 75+ specific security failures at last week’s rally, I’m sure it’s all just coincidence!

The lawfare didn’t work and the assassination didn’t work. He’s now officially the candidate, which means he receives a much larger amount of security. thus, the window of opportunity to get a rifle within a 150-yards of Trump has closed. And, he’s picked his VP, which means even if if he dies MAGA is still a force in this election. Had he been assassinated last week, any RINO or “deep state” presidential and VP candidates could have been installed. Not now.

It appears the play presently is to remove Biden and try to install someone that they can sell as receiving 90-million votes, or however many it will take to steal the election.

VP Harris is now the replacement candidate (as poor a choice that might be.) However, there’s a reason it defaults to her as, according to campaign law, she is the only person the existing collected campaign funds may be transferred to. Of course, I’m not sure leftists intend (or care) to play by any rules. But, hawking her as someone who will beat Trump in November is a pipe dream, so what’s their alternative?

Of course, we still have to hear who she is paired up with. Harris may not have considered it in her exuberance, today, but is sounds like her campaign funds can be transferred to her VP in the event she has any accidents.

In the meantime, we’ve had no proof of life of JRB for 4-days – a released letter being how the announcement was made, today.

Should he appear soon and continue to play president, we are faced with a situation where we’re supposed to accept that he’s not fit to run for election, but he’s still fit to be POTUS. A bad enough situation for America, but one must wonder how the rest of the world, especially our enemies, are going to play it.

As far as the CorwdSourse “mistake”, there’s plenty of people in the IT world who, over the past few days, have laid out the possibility that it was a ploy to mine data – specifically the administrator logins for all the systems effected. I have no way of confirming that, nor do I know the first thing about that level of technology. However, CrowdSorce was directly connected to the Clinton Campaign and the Russia hoax. We can make of that what we will…

Regardless, we are experiencing an extremely turbulent moment in history. There is little we can do about it, but there are two choices we can make.

1. Much like those who stand 10-feet from an act of violence and record it on their phone, we can pretend that what we’re witnessing can’t harm us.

2. Prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

I’m opting for #2

Friday, during the computer outage, I stopped at a gas station. The were signs up on the pumps, doors, and all over the store that said , “Cash Only!” The line inside was 30-people deep.

At least 10 customers, completely oblivious to the signs and those in line ahead of them, attempted to had the cashier a plastic card once it was their turn. When they were informed by the obviously frustrated clerk that it was cash only, they were almost in shock. None had enough cash to cover their transactions. Most left poured coffee and other items on the counter and exited. Some were able to access the cash machine.

The lesson being: Most Americans are not prepared for a temporary, minor inconvenience, let alone a major catastrophe. In fact, many can’t even be bothered to read!

People were civil because the power was on and their phones still worked. But, from this point forward, I strongly suggest everyone of us have our house in order!

Riots and protests are certainly possible, as is America suddenly being thrust into a kinetic war. Cyber attack is obviously on the table – and, we still have millions of military-age males squatting in our nation.

Think in terms of: No banking, electronic payments, Amazon, air travel, shipping, fuel, electricity, groceries, or emergency room for 3 to 30-days. That’s just a time frame for the cyber/civil unrest side, not protracted war or grid down.

– Guns (cleaned/serviced), ammunition, training – priority! Pistols carried concealed daily!
– Food. Enough for the entire family and pets.
– Fuel.
– Medications and medical supplies, as well as basic training (wound treatment/stabilization, taking vital signs, treating basic illnesses.)
– Have cash on hand. Carry enough cash to get home.
– Gas tanks never below half. Vehicles maintained.
– Alternate communications – Radios (CB, FRS, HAM, Marine, etc…), Satellite phones, Bivy Sticks…
– Be ready to heat your home (or at least a room of it) in a manner that won’t result in structure fire or asphyxiation. It’s July now – should Trump win, inauguration is in January, they still might make a another attempt on him beforehand. Most of the nation will be cold.
– Make a plan with your family. What to do, when.

Of course, it’s disheartening that attacks from inside would have to be considered. But, that’s where we are. The wise will act accordingly.


Final note:

I found it uplifting, Thursday, when Trump suggested we be excited about the future. I hope he’s right!

Realistically, there are far too many moving parts for him to personally steer. And there’s a small army of people who will do anything to maintain power. Time will tell. And, there’s still 3 ½ months till the election.

I’m going to maintain readiness for the duration. So, those extra cans in the pantry are much like my pistol, I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

“Coincidence is the word we use when we can’t see the levers and pulleys.” – Emma Bull