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Date(s) - 04/09/2022 - 04/10/2022
All Day

St Joseph County Conservation Club

Fortress is offering our 20-hour Level I Rifle Course with night shoot, April 9/10, at the St. Joseph’s County Sportsman’s Club, Sturgis, Michigan.

Level I Rifle is designed to elevate the private citizen from novice to “rifleman.” Course is based on real world scenarios which the armed citizen may be tasked to address. We are not pretending to play “army”, and we are not training you to take on an invasion from the planet Gorkonot. We’re teaching you how to live with, and deploy, your rifle legally, morally, and ethically during a temporary time of civil unrest, active murderer event, or home invasion.

500-rounds of rifle ammunition, and 50 rounds of pistol ammunition, are required.

(We understand the ammunition availability issues and have reduced our round count by 100 this year. But, no matter what, we still have to shoot to learn these skills. If you’re serious, you’ll be able to locate ammunition. We’d suggest a good place to start is Super Vel. They are producing training ammo in 9mm, 45ACP, and .223 – If you join their email list they will alert you when it is about to be released for sale.)

Cost is $395 per student

Click the BUY NOW button to submit your tuition and hold your spot.

If you have issue with the above BUY NOW button, click HERE for direct paypal link where you may checkout as a guest using your credit card.

Paypal fee of 3% is non-refundable. If you would like to avoid that possibility in case of class cancellation, a check or money order can be mailed directly with Student Sign Up Sheet to our mailing address:

Fortress Defense
905 Joliet Street #162
Dyer, IN 46311

Don’t forget to fill out the student sign up sheet, or, print one out and send it in with your check payment.

Ages 18. and up.

Please click HERE to fill out a student class sign up sheet either before or after you submit your tuition.

If this will be your first time training with us, we ask that you take a moment to review our Terms and Conditions for Training with Fortress page before you sign up.

“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” – James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788


-Trigger control
-Movement in crowds
-Shooting positions
-Transition to handgun
-Mounted lights/Low light – Night shooting

…and MUCH more!

What you will need:

– Modern, reliable, functioning handgun, with a proper holster (Holster must be specifically for your make and model. Nylon/one-size-fits-all holsters are not allowed. Holster must be worn on your belt, either inside or outside the waistband. Shoulder, ankle, cross draw, and small of back holsters are NOT allowed in this class. Neither is “off body” carry.)
– Long pants with proper belt loops (Jeans or “tactical”-style pants like 5.11 brand)
– A proper belt which can hold up the weight of your holstered pistol.
– At least one carrier for your spare magazine or speedloader.
– At least on spare magazine (for auto-loading pistols), or one spare speed loader (for revolvers.) Multiple spares are highly recommended (3, or more.)
– Eye protection with side protection.
– Hearing protection (full coverage or foam ear plugs – bring both if you have it)
– A hat with a brim ( like a baseball cap)
– Sturdy footwear. (gym shoes are fine. Hiking-style boots are recommended.) NO open-toe footwear!
– A cover garment, like a vest, jacket, suit coat, or button-up shirt. We draw from concealment in this class.
– Modern, auto-loading battle rifle. e.g. AR15, AK47, .30-Carbine, FAL, SCAR, Mini-14, M1A, etc…
– At least 4 spare magazines for your rifle.
– Your rifle MUST have a sling. Single point, or two point, are recommended.
– Your rifle MUST have iron sights. “Red Dot” or holographic sights are fine, but back-up iron sights are mandatory.  Optics with magnification are NOT recommended.
– Flashlight. Rifle mounted is not required, but highly recommended.
– Sight adjusting tool.
– Note taking materials.
– A folding/lawn chair.
– Your lunch, snacks and beverages. We will not be leaving the range for lunch OR dinner.
– Anything else you need to survive the day.

For directions and logistics info contact Jeff Brazo, email:

Hotel Information:

Holiday Inn Express
45 750 N
Howe, IN 46746

There is also a Hampton Inn in Howe, as well as lodging in Three Rivers, MI – all are within 15-minutes of the range.

St, Joseph County C.C. is on EASTERN time! We start class at 9am EASTERN on Saturday. Please be 15-min early to get settled and sign waivers.