Tricia has been an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics for over 12 years. The communication and teaching skills she uses in her own business easily carried over to her role as a firearms instructor. She began her shooting career with Fortress Defense in June 2012 and hasn’t looked back. She quickly earned her NRA Instructor Certification and a few short months later graduated from Rangemaster’s Instructor Development Program. Tricia is now a Staff Instructor with DTI, as well, and assists Vicki Farnam on a regular basis – And she is part of the team at PrettyLoaded.org!
Tricia assists in our Women’s Self-Defense Course, Defensive Pistol (Intro, Level I & II), Force-on-Force, Rifle, and contributes to Speaking Engagements we provide to the community. In addition to her passion for teaching skin care and defensive shooting; Tricia is an avid hiker, competes in triathlons, volunteers at a local art gallery, and fosters dogs through an animal rescue.
Tricia specializes in being a badass of all things requiring badassery.
Contact: Tricia@fortressdefense.com

Firearm and Tactical Schools Attended
Fortress Defense Consultants
Frank Sharpe, Jr.
- Women’s Self Defense (non-firearm)
- Basic Firearm Safety
- Women’s Introduction to Defensive Pistol
- Defensive Pistol Level I & II
- Defensive Pistol – Couples
- Emergency Treatment of Gunshot Wounds
- Active Shooter Response
- Force On Force
- Defensive Rifle Level I
- Shotgun
- Utah Concealed Carry Course
Defense Training International (DTI)
John & Vicki Farnam
- Pistol
- Urban Rifle
- Armed Vehicle Defense
- DTI Instructor Course
The Massad Ayoob Group
MAG-20: Armed Citizens’ Rules of Engagement
The Moulage Medic
18-Hour TCCC Medical
Rangemaster (RFTS)
- Instructor Development Course
Firearm Instruction Certifications
National Rifle Association (NRA)
- Certified Pistol Instructor
- Personal Protection Inside The Home
State of Illinois
- Concealed Carry Firearms Instructor
Defense Training International
- Staff Instructor
Professional Organizations
- National Rifle Association (NRA), Life Member
- Armed Citizen’s Legal Defense Network
- Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA)
- Second Amendment Sisters