“Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. “ – Thomas Sowell

This past Saturday in Lowell, IN, a 14-year-old girl watching a baseball game was approached by a VCA armed with a large knife who began to hack at her face and head. She defended herself by blocking the blows with a sun umbrella, and then with her hands and arms. The girl’s mother managed to break up the attack and assailant escaped on foot.

Victim suffered injury and was transported to the ER where she was treated and released.

A BOLO was issued and the suspect was eventually apprehended by police in a cornfield on the outskirts of Crown Point, some 10-miles away.

The sociopath is a 26-year-old, illegal immigrant, wanted, since his last deportation and reentry, in 3 states, and is reported to have gang ties. Color me shocked.


Lowell is a town of 11,000, surrounded by farms. It’s the last place those prone to naivete would expect anything like this to occur – Yet, it did!

We have JRB and Kamala “Border Tzar” Harris’ policies to thank for it. And it won’t be getting better.

In the past week it was reported that armed gangs of Venezuelan illegals have taken over apartment buildings in Aurora, CO,  and are terrorizing residents. Local government first denied it (of course), then videos surfaced – The back peddling commenced in earnest, but, what hasn’t happened is any meaningful action to stop it. Police know they are outnumbered. They also know these gangs of foreign nationals have no compunction regarding murder.

This week also delivered reports of armed gangs of illegals taking over buildings in Chicago.

This is no longer a matter of making arrests, we’re on the cusp of localized war. Police, sheriff’s departments, and the tax paying public are woefully unprepared for what is brewing.

Trump has promised to “deport them all!” Well, it’s a novel idea, and good luck – I’ll be amazed as never before if he’s elected and successful in doing so. However, I just don’t see it happening without massive amount of ugly blow-back.

The criminal gangs will not go quietly and there will be casualties on both sides. Casualties that our “civil society” are not ready to imagine.

And, even if the violence is kept to a minimum, the media will destroy all momentum the first time they air a video of a crying mother clutching a newborn that’s being herded onto a bus. A few minutes of wailing children is all it will take for the American public to lose their stomach for it.

I hope I’m wrong, but should the deportations fail to materialize, the 10 to 20-million illegal fighting age males who are here will continue to escalate their violence while gaining control of large portions of real estate. Just as they’ve done in Europe, where no-go zones” are commonplace in almost every nation.

In the UK, machete attacks are perpetrated regularly by migrants, as are rapes and all manner of other crimes. The response from government has not only been to pretend it isn’t happening, but to arrest anyone who dares complain about it. 100’s of natural born British are now rotting in jail cells for re-posting memes!

Unlike every other nation on Earth, as Americans we have the guaranteed rights of free speech as well as self-defense with firearms. In my lifetime, both of those rights have become more solidified and accessible through case law and legislation, while at the same time government stifling of speech on social media has grow to “Ministry of Truth” levels. Likewise, there are still large swaths of urban areas where Marxist politicians continue to do everything in their power to prevent the citizenry from exercising their Article II right.

Even with such tyrants existing, there are now 29 Constitutional carry states – Indiana is one of them. Yet, Saturday, in a place that had one of the highest permit (when they were required) holder percentages in the nation, there was NO ONE carrying! No adult present had their pistol on their person.

In the hours after, social media posts by witnesses were filled with comments about how some fathers ran back to their vehicles to retrieve firearms during the attack. Of course, those guns proved USELESS, as by the time anyone returned to the scene it was all was over.

Yesterday morning there was an active mass murderer at a high school in Georgia. Two students and two adults are dead. The VCA ceased his attack once armed officers arrived. By noon, Harris, the White House, and a gaggle of media pundits were calling for “gun control.”

What they will never admit is that most effective way to stop a rampaging sociopath is to inflict temporary and permanent wound channels in their body. In other words, a good guy with a gun! And why would they? They’re on the side of the criminals, as the crime brings about the “social reconstruction” they desire.

However, in America, it’s legal for one to be their own savior when attacked. At least for now. It will only remain so as long as we exercise the right, and instill the responsibility in each generation.

Carry your gun!

“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” – Thomas Sowell