The modern battle rifle is a serious defensive tool in the hands of a properly trained operator. Level I Urban Rifle is designed to take the student, over the course of two days, from novice to the status of Rifleman. This course, in combination with our Pistol Level I should be the minimum training sought out by all gun owners interested in personal defense and maintaining their liberty
We attempt to provide a staff member for every 2-
- Required student skill level: Completion of the Fortress Level I Pistol Course, or an equivalent pistol course.
- Equipment required: Functional magazine fed, semi-
automatic rifle with sling, pistol with proper holster, magazine or speedloader carrier for pistol. - Ammunition requirements: 800 rounds for rifle, 100 rounds for pistol.
- Duration: Two full days
Teaching Points Include:

- Gun handling and range safety
- Equipment selection and carry.
- Practical application philosophies of the rifle for self defense.
- Slinging/unslinging/mounting
- Movement
- Cover/Concealment
- Zeroing
- Reloading techniques
- Stoppage reductions
- Shooting positions
- Engagement of targets from one to 100-
yards - Contact shots
- Transition to handgun
- Hostage situations

We will travel to you and train your group on your personal range or at a range in your locality which meets our requirements. If range facilities allow, a night shoot will be scheduled, as well.
Contact us for scheduling and pricing.
Firearms and equipment can be provided for rent with advance notice. Click here for pricing.

“The rifle is a weapon. Let there be no mistake about that. It is a tool of power, and thus dependent completely upon the moral stature of its user. It is equally useful in securing meat for the table, destroying group enemies on the battlefield, and resisting tyranny. In fact, it is the only means of resisting tyranny, since a citizenry armed with rifles simply cannot be tyrannized.” – Col. Jeff Cooper