ETGW is based on military lessons from active gunfights. It differs from civilian Emergency Medical, which is based upon blunt trauma.
ETGW is designed to instruct non-
- Required student skill level: Completion of the Fortress Level I Handgun Course or equivalent pistol course.
- Equipment required: Functional handgun, .380-
caliber or larger (back- up guns are recommended.) At least 3 magazines or speedloaders per gun. Proper holster and magazine/speedloader carrier. Quality lock- blade folding knife. - Ammunition requirements: 250 rounds
- Duration: One Day
Non- firearm/non-shooting wound treatment presentations for school, church, arena, and business are available in 2 and 4-hour versions, taught to all ages.
Teaching Points Include:
- Neutralizing threats
- Accurate shot placement and human physiology
- The seven life-
threatening injuries - What to expect if you are shot
- What to expect from an attacker when he is shot
- Staying in the fight
- Defensive movement
- Casualty evacuation

- Hemorrhage control – Application of the Israeli Battle Dressing
- Hemorrhage control – Tourniquet application
- Treatment of tension pneumothorax
- Clearing the airway – nasal cath insertion
- Creating an emergency range plan
- Assembly of an emergency kit
- Live fire range drills
We will travel to you and train your group on your personal range or at a range in your locality which meets our requirements. If range facilities allow, a night shoot will be scheduled, as well. Contact us for scheduling and pricing. Firearms and equipment can be provided for rent with advance notice
“You will most likely have to treat a gunshot wound long before you will ever have to inflict one!” – Frank Sharpe, Fortress Defense

Students assemble their own personal wound trauma kits at a recent Fortress Medical Course.