In a protection assignment, firearms would only be used as a last resort. However, if deployed, the protection specialist must respond quickly and precisely to prevent injury to the Protectee. This course builds upon existing firearms skills and helps re-
- Required student skill level: Advanced defensive handgun, or current police re-
qualification certificate. Must have completed (or be enrolled in) dignitary/executive protection training from a recognized public or private training organization. - Equipment required: Functional handgun (.38/9mm or larger), at least three magazines/speed-
loaders, appropriate holster and magazine carrier, tactical flashlight. - Ammunition requirements: 500-
rounds factory ammunition. - Duration: One day
Teaching points include:
- Gun handling and range safety
- Equipment selection and carry
- Continuum in the use of force
- Avoidance and disengagement techniques
- Unarmed response to AOP
- One-
handed shooting refresher - Ambidextrous shooting
- Protection shooting positions/techniques
- AOP drills under fire