- Cost: $50.00 per hour, plus expenses (travel costs and range fees). Contact us for a quote!
- Required student skill level: None
- Equipment required: Functional handgun, .380 caliber or larger
- Ammunition requirements: At least 100 rounds
- Duration: Student Designated
Teaching Points Include:
- Familiarization with you personal firearm
- Controls and manipulation
- Locking the slide back with ease
- Maintenance, field stripping and cleaning
- Sights, sight alignment, and proper aiming technique
- Proper grip
- Proper stance
- Trigger control and trigger reset.
- Correct ‘Dry Fire’ practice
- Techniques for charging magazines
- Reloading
- Stoppage reduction
- Proper draw from the holster
We will travel to you and train your group on your personal range or at a range in your locality which meets our requirements. If range facilities allow, a night shoot will be scheduled, as well. Contact us for scheduling and pricing. Firearms and equipment can be provided for rent with advance notice
Laws regarding handgun ownership and carry rights vary greatly from state-