Fortress Staff understands the apprehensions women students may have with regard to firearms. All of our Staff have been trained in the Effective Instruction of Female Students by the incomparable Vicki Farnam, and are ready to address all questions and concerns in a calm, professional manner.
We provide a comfortable, low pressure learning environment which progresses to the next step only when you are ready. Our Women’s Basic Firearms Safety course is designed to familiarize the client with proper gun safety and handling procedures.
Fortress believes that every member of the family needs to understand gun safety regardless of whether or not they will ever own a firearm.
We attempt to provide a staff member for every 2-
- Required student skill level: None
- Equipment required: None, or your personal firearm
- Ammunition requirements: None
- Duration: 4-hours
Teaching Points Include:
- Familiarization with types of firearms
- How guns work
- Proper handling
- The Four Rules of Gun Safety
- Proper grip
- Chamber check (checking to see if firearm is loaded or unloaded)
- Safe storage
- Children and guns
- Legalities involving ownership and transport
- Dispelling the Hollywood myths regarding firearms
We will travel to you and train your group on your personal range or at a range in your locality which meets our requirements. If range facilities allow, a night shoot will be scheduled, as well. Contact us for scheduling and pricing. Firearms and equipment can be provided for rent with advance notice